For about 3,000 years, millions of people have benefited from treatment with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which also includes moxibustion, botanical herbs, tui na (massage), cupping therapy and qi gong (exercise).  A skilled practitioner will listen to all the signs and symptoms a person’s body, mind and spirit gives, however subtle, and make a diagnosis.  And then craft treatments using the gifts of the acupuncture points and TCM to support the individual’s long term health goals, and also their needs in that very moment.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a holistic therapy and treats the whole person - the body, mind and spirit - with the aim of restoring equilibrium.  An acupuncture treatment involves inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points in the body, which are located along meridians (pathways) where our life energy (qi) flows.  In order to be healthy, qi must flow freely and be nourished. If it becomes blocked or deficient, health issues arise on a physical, mental or emotional level.

The needles are inserted either briefly, for 1 or 2 seconds, or left in place for about 20 minutes. There may be a tingling or a dull ache sensation, which usually passes quickly, after which there is a relaxed feeling - some people even fall asleep.

needles back

What are Chinese botanical herbs?

Chinese botanical herbs follow the same Chinese medicine principles, nourishing and moving the qi and blood and optimising organ function.  They provide a wonderful boost to the acupuncture, using ingredients including roots, flowers, stems, leaves and bark.  As a member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RHCM), I uphold stringent professional rules on safety and comply with a professional code of conduct.  The RHCM forbid the use of endangered animals and plant species, and the use of any animal or mineral products per se, and my herb suppliers maintain the very best quality and ethical standards.  In addition to my BSc in Acupuncture, I have an MSc in Chinese Herbal Medicine and regularly complete CPD to keep my skills up to date.

What is moxibustion?

Moxa is a dried herb (mugwort) which is used for its warming, healing and strengthening properties. Moxibustion involves burning the dried herb moxa.  Sometimes it rolled into a small pyramid, applied directly to the skin (or on a slice of ginger, garlic or a mound of salt) over an acupuncture point and lit. It’s removed as it gets nearer the skin so you just feel a lovely warmth.  Sometimes it’s applied as a block to the end of the needle or used in a pre-rolled stick (especially useful when working with channels or turning breech babies).

Cupping Therapy

What is tui na and cupping therapy?

Tui na and cupping are both physical therapies.  Tui na is a form of massage which can involve brushing, kneading, rolling and pressing the muscles and skin to encourage the movement of the energy. I have a postgraduate diploma in tui na.

Cupping is also especially useful in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, but is also useful for other conditions, such as colds and flu.  It involves the use of suction cups, which move Qi and therefore relieve stagnation and pain. The cups are sometimes left stationary in place, or can be used with massage oil and moved. The sensation is similar to an “inside out massage” and is relaxing and comforting.

Dietary and lifestyle advice

Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes dietary and lifestyle advice, which can have a different approach to more mainstream Western advice.  I combine this with targeted holistic health protocols to give you the best of both worlds, in a methodical, achievable way.


Ready to find out more?

Then let's talk.  I offer a free 15 minute telephone chat where we can check we’ll work well together and you can ask any questions you may have.  And if all feels great, we’ll get you booked in for your initial consultation (no obligation; no hard sell).